Free Baseball & Slo-Pitch Scoresheet (Printable)

Keep track of your game statistics with our professional-grade scoresheet, designed specifically for baseball and slo-pitch. Our scoresheet includes spaces for tracking runs, hits, errors, and detailed play-by-play information for both teams.

Download PSD Version

Get the fully editable Photoshop version of our scoresheet. Perfect for customizing to your league's specific needs.

Download PSD

Download PNG Version

Get the ready-to-print PNG version of our scoresheet. Ideal for immediate use or sharing digitally.

Download PNG

How to Use the Scoresheet

Our scoresheet is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, while still capturing all the important details of the game. Here's what you can track:

  • Player names and positions
  • Inning-by-inning scoring
  • Hit types and locations
  • Runs, hits, and errors
  • Pitch counts (optional)
  • Substitutions and lineup changes

Common Scorekeeping Symbols

  • 1B, 2B, 3B, HR: Single, Double, Triple, Home Run
  • BB: Base on Balls (Walk)
  • K: Strikeout
  • FC: Fielder's Choice
  • E#: Error (# represents fielder's position)
  • DP: Double Play

Tips for Effective Scorekeeping

  • Use a pencil for easy corrections
  • Develop your own shorthand for common plays
  • Record substitutions clearly
  • Note game conditions and important events
  • Keep a consistent system throughout the game

Why Keep Score?

  • Track player and team statistics
  • Analyze team performance over time
  • Settle disputes about game events
  • Create a permanent record of the game
  • Help with league reporting and standings

What's the difference between the PSD and PNG versions?

What's the difference between the PSD and PNG versions?

The PSD version is editable in Photoshop, allowing for customization. The PNG version is ready to print and use immediately.

Can I use this scoresheet for both baseball and slo-pitch?

Yes! The scoresheet is designed to work for both sports, with enough flexibility to accommodate the differences between them.

How many innings does the scoresheet cover?

The scoresheet includes space for a standard 9-inning game, plus extra innings if needed.

Is this scoresheet free to use?

Yes, the scoresheet is completely free for both personal and league use.