
  • 5-Man

    A 5-man defense in slo-pitch softball refers to a defensive alignment where a fifth infielder, often called the “middle infielder” or “5th man,” is added. This player typically positions themselves behind second base, covering the gaps between the traditional infielders and helping to defend against hard-hit balls up the middle. This strategy sacrifices an outfielder, leaving only three, to strengthen the infield defense.

  • 6 to 12

    The 6 to 12 rule in slo-pitch softball refers to the allowed arc height range of a legal pitch. The ball must reach a minimum height of 6 feet and a maximum height of 12 feet above the ground during its flight. This ensures consistent pitching mechanics and gives batters a fair opportunity to hit the ball.

  • Backspin Pitch

    A backspin pitch in slo-pitch softball is a pitching technique where the pitcher applies backward spin to the ball as it is released. This creates a slower descent and can make the ball more difficult for batters to judge and hit cleanly, often resulting in weak contact or pop-ups.

  • Balanced Slo-Pitch Bat

    A balanced bat distributes its weight evenly along the entire length of the bat, providing a more controlled and quicker swing. It is ideal for players seeking better bat speed and precision.

  • Box Score

    A box score in slo-pitch softball is a statistical summary of a game, providing a breakdown of team and individual player performance. It typically includes information such as runs scored, hits, errors, and key player stats like at-bats, hits, RBIs, and home runs, offering a concise overview of the game’s outcome and highlights.

  • Box Shot

    A box shot in slo-pitch refers to a hard-hit ball intentionally aimed toward the pitching area or “shooting box,” often catching the pitcher off guard. This play increases the risk of injury, making protective gear like pitching masks crucial for safety.

  • Cut Swing

    A cut swing in slo-pitch softball is a hitting technique where the batter swings downward at the ball, intentionally slicing under it. This motion creates backspin, which helps lift the ball and keeps it in the air longer, often resulting in long, deep fly balls with extended carry.

  • End-Loaded Slo-Pitch Bat

    An end-loaded bat concentrates more weight toward the barrel, creating a heavier swing feel. This design suits players aiming for maximum power and distance, often favoured by power hitters.

    May also be referred to as maxload if you're a Miken fan.

  • Home Run Rule

    The home run rule in slo-pitch softball limits the number of over-the-fence home runs a team can hit in a game. Once the limit is reached, any additional over-the-fence home runs are typically recorded as outs or singles, depending on the league’s specific rules. This rule helps maintain competitive balance and encourages strategic play.

  • Knuckler

    A knuckler in slo-pitch softball is a pitch thrown with minimal or no spin, causing the ball to move unpredictably in the air. This erratic motion can make it difficult for batters to time their swing or make solid contact, adding an element of deception to the pitcher’s arsenal.

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